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Add To Our Digital Commonplace Book

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What is Commonplacing?

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The practice of keeping a Commonplace Book allows you to keep small pieces of information + beauty with you for years to come. Whether you're reading a blog, novel, speech, essay, or sermon, if a certain element or sentence stands out to you, write it down in a journal to remember. 
Created during the Renaissance, Commonplace Journaling has stood the test of time...until now. It seems that almost everything is digital these days...things that don't even matter. We're obsessed with image + social media, + the average person spends upwards of eight hours looking at a screen every day. How many of those hours consist of aimless scrolling + mindless watching of things that don't matter? Why not make that time mean something? Instead of blindly searching the internet for something to entertain, enhance your, digest, + enjoy literature.
Art shouldn't have to compete with the internet, + while we strongly encourage the practice of keeping a physical Commonplace Book, this digital version might just be an excellent way to start.
This small act of copying down wisdom from literature has been maintained by some of the most brilliant minds, including, Thomas Jefferson, Mark Twain, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Virginia Woolf, William Wilberforce, Ronald Regan, Bill Gates...+ now maybe even you.
We decided to begin a continuous digital Commonplace Book because we desire to revive this dying art + add a little piece of light + life to the internet, + and you're more than welcome to join us.

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"One of the biggest lies I tell myself is "I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it."

- Everyone

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