John 16:13
“But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.”
Your truth?
We had planned to insert the definition of truth in the beginning of this article, but all definitions contradicted each other. There was no consistent definition.
In the twenty-first century, we have been indoctrinated to view ourselves as victims, which has come with many side effects. One of which is the twisted definition of truth, or lack thereof. The truth has become subjective, which has caused it to lose its meaning. We’ve lost sight of the Ultimate Truth, and have replaced it with My truth, which attempts to discount and discredit anything said against one’s own opinion. Contrary to modern belief, there’s only one truth, and it's unchanging.
In the past, it was widely known that there was the truth and nothing but the truth. Our country, and our lives circulated around one truth, but today is a different story. Now we’re told that we are to value everyone's truth, whatever they believe is right and good, without exception. It does not matter if you do not believe in the other person’s actions, you must not be indifferent, for that is discriminatory and disrespectful.
People who believe in an ultimate, unchanging truth have become scarce in this country. Not only has the word truth lost its value, but we are told that trusting in something greater than ourselves is weak and unintelligent, and instead truth must begin with a pronoun.
With multiple “truths” in our lives today, all of which are based solely on personal opinions, this nation is becoming incredibly confused. We’re obsessed, not with one another, not with the good of our country or our children, but with ourselves. The fact that truth is now tailored to how we feel has forced us to crave acknowledgement and acceptance from the rest of the world. We can no longer do anything without the fear of being challenged. We want to be received immediately by everyone, no matter what. We are sacrificing Truth for the sake of personal gain, which is incredibly selfish, and will tear apart our convictions.. To believe that only your opinion is correct, is terribly divisive and dangerous.
It is vital that we remember this and do not fall into the trap of victimization and subjectivity. We must be rooted in God’s truth - the only truth - in this corrupt and broken world.